stats credit: max's apartment


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sitebox + follow button art by pankie!

♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy.

latest blog post:

i think i should drop out (3/19/2025)

Fan is a certified
Test Tube fan in the OSC Webring !


hey guys. welcome to, the lamest place on nekoweb! my name is fan, thanks for coming around!

i'm an autistic 18-year old robot guy who loves coding, reading, writing, drawing, and a lot of other creative stuff. certain things i'm a huge fan of: object shows, psychonauts, grulovia, stampycat, minecraft (all media), homestuck, warrior cats, pokemon, and more! i'm also an objectum furry if you thought i couldn't get any more cringe. i love midwest emo music and my favorite foods are salmon, pizza, and sushi in that order. i'm a huge FAN of looking at personal websites!

i have another website over on neocities (not linked because i consider them seperate entities). i've been coding since. 2020? 2021? idr which but it was a few years back, back when i was a kinstagrammer on carrd. god they were. whew. let's not talk about that. ever since then i've been honing my skills on online forums, browser games, and making websites. i'm not the best at all, this is actually my first time using flexboxes! that's probably obvious. this is actually so easy idk why i didnt try learning it before.

FAN.NEKOWEB.ORG has officially existed for an entire year!! thanks everyone for being here and sticking around, it means a lot to me, it really does. i haven't been the most active lately, but i appreciate every single one of you. you all are fantastic.

if this shows up then i got ftp working no way. wait i should show off my vscode theme

i'm using the abyss theme and the background extension. the art in the background is by hoblobss on tiktok!

like and link back to me!

psst, click the button!